Dakota-Thurston County Fair
Location: Atokad Park - 1547 Stable Drive, South Sioux City
Dates: Jul 30 - Aug 3, 2025
Website: http://www.dakotathurstonfaironline.com
Email: mpaeper3421@msn.com
1547 Stable Drive
South Sioux City NE 68776
Phone: (402) 494-5522
About Our Fair:
We are a combined fair. Dakota and Thurston Countys have been together since 1967. Our Fair is held in South Sioux City.
Lisa Bousquet is our Fair Manager call 402-610-0689 for information on being a vendor and events.
Our Fair Office number is 402-494-5522
We have many 4-H shows to see. Some are held prefair,
We have a pie contest, Kid Pedal Pull, Kids Day, Parade, Rodeo, Mutton Busting, Tractor Pull, Bands, Talent Show and much more.
We have a free entry gate. Our shows have a gate fee.
- President: Ray Sanderson
208 3rd. St.
Thurston NE 68062
Phone: (402) 922-0247 - Secretary: Mary Paeper
2168 K Ave
Pender NE 68047
Phone: (402) 922-1299 - Fair Manager: Lisa Bousquet
PO Box 385
South Sioux CIty NE 68776
Phone: (402) 610-0689